Life With Alison Elinor

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mondo Update

Hi everybody-- between the technical issues with Blogger and our busy schedule, there's been a lot of lag time between posts.

But spring has sprung and we are taking full advantage. This weekend has been very busy for Boo-- she's at a great age where suddenly she can do these little-kid programs and actually get something out of them, and with my new schedule we can do a lot more stuff together, and we're getting out and trying new things and meeting new kids and having a blast.

Today was Boo's first time being a guest at a birthday party. This mom invited all of the toddlers in the day care-- this is like 10-12 kids-- as well as the birthday boy's other buddies and family friends, so it was quite a fiesta. Luckily for her, nobody took advantage of her by dumping their kid off and then high-tailing it to the mall. The kids ran around the sizeable backyard and played on the swingset and blew bubbles and things like that, then ate cake, then smacked a pinata, then all collectively collapsed into naptime/sugar-crash insanity, so the party broke up before the donkey got its poor tail mashed on its eyeball.

There was one other little girl there, and Boo bonded with her by driving (!) this battery-powered Jeep all over the yard, with the little girl stomping the gas pedal and Boo steering, with surprisingly impressive results. They both had pigtails, so it was hilarious watching this little car with these two little pigtailed heads swaying back and forth and giggling hysterically. (NOTE TO GRANDPARENTS: DO NOT GET HER A BATTERY POWERED JEEP OR SCHOOLBUS OR ARMY TANK OR ANY OTHER KIND OF VEHICLE!!!)

Yesterday, we went to the Allentown Symphony's Musical Treasure Chest program, where one of their members introduces the kids to a particular instrument, and they have a storyteller and play games with music. It's really cute. Boo didn't play any of the games, but she was certainly interested in what the other kids were doing. Yesterday's program featured the violin.

New Boo feats: she can say "no" (yay), she's getting the hang of potty training (again, I'll spare you the details), and the other day, we saw the alligator at the pet store.

I pointed to it and said, "Look, Boo. Gator."

She looked at me and did the Chomp.


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