Life With Alison Elinor

Friday, March 23, 2007

Pucker Up

Boo is suddenly really into kissing. For a long time, she did the open mouthed mash-her-face-into-yours baby "kiss," then she mastered the art of puckering up, and now she does the whole shebang, complete with the society-maven "mmmmmmmmmmmMUH!" sound. Granted, she still hasn't figured out that the finishing lip-smack is done on the person's cheek as opposed to the air-- she'll purse her lips, smush them on your cheek, but pull away before she's properly done. So you get a lot of smooches that are combo air-kisses. Who cares. It's still cute.

Plus she does the each-cheek thing, except she'll do it 50 times if you let her, and you as recipient can end up with whiplash. Just warning you...


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