Life With Alison Elinor

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Wonderful Wedding Weekend With Rashley

In case you hadn't heard-- Randy Heflin: OFF THE MARKET.

It was a really nice weekend-- all the events were lovely, the Shews were lovely, the weather was lovely, life was good. But this blog is about Boo, so here we go.

Pictures first, stories to follow. I have no portraits of her in her flower girl dress-- I couldn't get her to stand still long enough and the official portraits aren't back yet, so I'll share those when I can get them. But I do have some pics for you guys.

Here's her rehearsal outfit:

She was quite squirmy during both the rehearsal...thankfully the church had a kids' book rack which we raided (I stashed a stack of books at our seat for the wedding proper) and the wedding. Granddaddy picked up some of the slack:

I couldn't take pics during the ceremony itself, so I'll have to stick to my fabulous command of prose to tell you what happened. She hung out with me in the Bride Hide room before the service-- then I took off just moments before the processional so she wouldn't have long to hang out sans parents. When her time to process arrived, she refused to carry the flower basket (loose petals-- I told them that she wouldn't scatter them, just pass them out one by one to each guest, and it would take 20 minutes-- more if she decided to then re-claim them, as she is wont to do) and she wouldn't go in the church. I crept to the front of the church and looked back down the aisle at her, and she's standing there looking like this:

I'm thinking, 'oh no, she's going to run for it,' and she did, but in a good way. I gestured to her to come to me, and she saw me, burst into a huge grin and came SPRINTING down the aisle. She jumped on me and gave me a big hug, then went and grabbed Randy around his knees. The crowd just ATE IT UP.

This kid is GOOD.

She was good during the service too, aside from pointing at her books to crow out the name of a picture she saw. ("Do you, Ashley..." 'BABY!" "shhhhhhh!" "...take this man..." "CAT! DADA!") And she recessed with her daddy and I.

As for the reception...she's a bit of a party girl. She danced with both of Ashley's sisters:

...and with her cousin Amanda...
...and with the other kids at the party.

She went until after 10 p.m., and would have kept going if Mommy hadn't put the brakes on and taken her home to get some shut eye. She was fast asleep within 5 minutes of getting back into our room.

NEXT POST: Rainy Days In a College Town With a Toddler!


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