Life With Alison Elinor

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Virus (cont'd)

Still sick, although she's doing better. I caved and took her to the doctor yesterday, where-- surprise-- I was told to keep giving her fluids and Tylenol. In other words, what I was already doing. We just have to ride it out.

It's too bad that she's so sick because she absolutely LOVES day care. She cried the first couple of days, but now when I drop her off, she actually PUSHES ME AWAY so she can get at her breakfast, and when I pick her up at noon, the other kids are smiling and waving at me, but my own kid is blowing me off because she's preoccupied with some toy (or, one day, leading the other kids into a corner behind a crib). One day she even started throwing a tantrum when we got out into the parking lot, complete with going limp on the ground and screaming. I pick her up and she has pizza in her hair and grass stains on her knees and artwork with her name on it, and her little buddies are waving bye-bye at her and she's waving at them, and I am so happy she's having a blast.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The "Virus"

Alison is sick. Again. Between day care and swim class, she's going to end up with the immune system of a missionary by the time she hits preschool.

I've realized that unless the kid has a horrible fever or a freaky rash, there's really no point to taking her to the doctor. When I've done so in the past, they tell me she has a "Virus." That's all. Some generic "Virus." Nothing to do but pump her full of liquids and Tylenol and ride it out. So that's what we'll do. Nothing like a full day of Food Network...

Her quirk du jour is to jam the back of her hand in her mouth, waggle it around, and go "aaahhhhhh" so that she gets a kind of sound modulation.

She's also really big on feeding the rest of us (especially Sam)...I tell her, "no, I want you to have that...that's for you." Kinda like how my dad used to with me! (Awesome.)


It occurred to me that I have been a slacker mommy when it comes to recording my daughter's life. I've noted her major milestones, of course-- first tooth, first friends, first steps-- but those fail to capture the little wonderful things that happen day-to-day, such as her little quirks and habits that may be lost as time goes by, but in my mind, are more interesting than the customary major milestones. (They may only be interesting to me, but oh well.) So I've set up this blog to keep a record of these little moments-- and in the process, keep those of you who care about her informed as to what she's up to!

I won't be posting daily, but I will try and post frequently. Please note that you can always leave comments at the end of posts-- I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to stop by whenever you like!