Life With Alison Elinor

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


It occurred to me that I have been a slacker mommy when it comes to recording my daughter's life. I've noted her major milestones, of course-- first tooth, first friends, first steps-- but those fail to capture the little wonderful things that happen day-to-day, such as her little quirks and habits that may be lost as time goes by, but in my mind, are more interesting than the customary major milestones. (They may only be interesting to me, but oh well.) So I've set up this blog to keep a record of these little moments-- and in the process, keep those of you who care about her informed as to what she's up to!

I won't be posting daily, but I will try and post frequently. Please note that you can always leave comments at the end of posts-- I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to stop by whenever you like!


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