Life With Alison Elinor

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Virus (cont'd)

Still sick, although she's doing better. I caved and took her to the doctor yesterday, where-- surprise-- I was told to keep giving her fluids and Tylenol. In other words, what I was already doing. We just have to ride it out.

It's too bad that she's so sick because she absolutely LOVES day care. She cried the first couple of days, but now when I drop her off, she actually PUSHES ME AWAY so she can get at her breakfast, and when I pick her up at noon, the other kids are smiling and waving at me, but my own kid is blowing me off because she's preoccupied with some toy (or, one day, leading the other kids into a corner behind a crib). One day she even started throwing a tantrum when we got out into the parking lot, complete with going limp on the ground and screaming. I pick her up and she has pizza in her hair and grass stains on her knees and artwork with her name on it, and her little buddies are waving bye-bye at her and she's waving at them, and I am so happy she's having a blast.


At 4:24 AM , Blogger Housey said...

That's my baby! ; )


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