Life With Alison Elinor

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Free Rein

Boo's finally got a leg up...that is to say, the playpen and baby gates have finally been rendered (mostly) obsolete. She's figured out how to climb over them. So this week, we're venturing into uncharted waters by allowing Boo basically free run of the house. (I say 'basically' in that she's still supervised while going up and down stairs and while on certain floors, but we're not restraining her freedom of movement any longer.) Needless to say, those little cabinet latches for the kitchen are looking VERY tempting-- Alison likes to get into the Tupperware and Ziploc baggies, and she's taken to swiping the dustpan and brush...for styling her hair. Yeech.

Due to the snow, I couldn't get over to Penney's until today to get her portraits. They're cute, even if she looks frankly terrified in a couple of them, and in one, my arm didn't get all the way out of the shot in time. Oh well. They're still cute. I'll try and get them in the mail tomorrow (along with your long-overdue Santa portraits).

And now, Boo would like to say hello:

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