Life With Alison Elinor

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Big Helper

We're training Alison to clean up after herself (something her father and I struggle with ourselves, especially me). We've found that, if we make it into a game, she gets into it. A lot of times if you just pick up one thing and put it away, she'll immediately ape you and want to do it herself. I'll hand her toys and she'll have a blast pegging them into the toy container.

Yesterday she helped unload the dishwasher. I had her hand me the cups and dishes (yes, even the breakable stuff-- nothing we have is too precious, so if she breaks one in the process of learning, no biggie), and I put them away. She helped me sort spoons and forks and to put her sippy cups up on the shelf (I boosted her up). She did a great job!

(I of course put away the steak knives.)


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