Life With Alison Elinor

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Girl's Best Friend

So Boo was being six degrees of dreadful yesterday. Just whiny and crying and refusing to settle down unless she was being held. She wasn't tired, she wasn't hungry, she wasn't sick (for once)-- but she was teething. Two molars at once, to be exact. She usually is pretty blase about cutting teeth, which was why it wasn't my first conclusion.

Anyway, I hooked her up with some Tylenol and Orajel, but she was still quite crabby. So I was sitting with her, trying to distract her somehow, and suddenly she spotted the very thing that dried her tears and made her smile.

Mom's engagement ring.

She pulled it off of my finger and stuck it on her own, holding out her hand to admire her new ice and even doing a little of her I'm-a-LADY-hullo-hullo hand-fluttering.

I told her, "don't get used to it, kid-- your parents are in the education sector."


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