Life With Alison Elinor

Monday, January 15, 2007

Boo Parts

I haven't posted for a bit because I've been waiting for Alison to bust out with something new since our Christmas visit. Well, now she has and she blew our minds with it.

She's still not saying many audible words-- babbling like crazy, but nothing recognizable. But she knows words, and we discovered on Saturday that she knows the parts of her body!

I made some comment while holding her about her knee, and she pointed to it. Intrigued, I then asked her where her foot was, and she pointed to that. I worked my way through her belly button, her head, her nose-- she knew hand and arm as well, but not as confidently as the others. We had no idea that she had learned this!

The funniest was when I asked her, "where is your eye?"

She hesitated with a troubled expression, then jammed her finger square into her eyeball. Ouch.


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