Universal Healthcare
Alison received a "Bathtub Chemistry" set in her Christmas stocking this year. It's basically two hard plastic test tubes and a packet of dye tablets so she can make and mix colors. She enjoys the color stuff, but she has a new thing she does with her test tubes.
ALISON: I make Mommy feel better. I make medicine.
ME: Oh, okay. Cool.
Alison scoops up bathwater in the test tubes, pours one into the other, and then pours it on my hand.
ALISON: This make you feel better?
ME: Oh, absolutely.
Then she'll pick up a toy, like her rubber duckie.
ALISON: Duckie has a boo boo. I make Duckie feel better.
She mixes up her 'medicine' and pours it on the duck.
ALISON: Duckie's just a baby.
Then she'll pick up another toy, like her boat. Inanimate objects qualify under Boocare.
ALISON: Boat has a boo boo. I make boat feel better. Boat's just a baby.
And on and on. It's so funny, especially since I have no idea how she made the connection between test tubes and medicine. She's such a little nurturer, with the hugs and kisses and blankets and toys distributed to everything in sight (including Sam), and this is just another manifestation of that.